Entries by Joan Hill (39)


A pause, a breath, a road not yet traveled.

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I’ve been away from blogging here for a couple of years; my how time flies.   Happily involved with various pursuits, work and play, travel and solitude.  Have been fortunate to have visited friends and family spread out far and wide.   Enjoying working, singing, traveling, gardening and time with family, friends and beloved animal companions.   I’ve become much more active Politically (now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their Country!!), and have marched, donated, written, signed and spoken out in ways I never have in the past.  

Photography has changed for me since my iPhone camera is a constant companion with improved quality and function.   Carrying around my BIG machines just isn’t as easy as it used to be.  I’m also making a good deal more abstract digital art, including Mandalas and other kaleidoscopic and geometric works.  

Never the less, I’ve managed to take thousands of photo images and share them here and there, mostly on FB (for better or worse).  Flickr has also slowed down for me, but I am hoping to jump back into that particular photo pool again now that Autumn leaves are soon to begin falling.   Looking forward to reconnecting with my Tribes on Flickr, primarily the group “UTATA”, if they will have me back!   

Continued graphic work for Musicians and Artists has been stimulating.  Traveling far and wide in the States and Europe continues to open my mind, eyes and heart.  Connecting with groups of Singers regularly and keeping heart, voice and mind happy and stimulated by learning and growing with every song we sing.  SO grateful for all of my voice teachers and Vocal Communities.  Sing every day!   

The children in my extended families have been proliferating and growing!   Love the wee ones, the excitement and joy of kids in the family.   Makes everyone happier when the kids are enjoying being together and having fun.  

We are in wedding planning stages for our daughter and her dear Fiancé, and the process is happily moving forward.   I’m going to be a “Mother of the Bride”!   What an honor.   Our future son-in-law is a good man, and we love him.  

So, here is my re-entry.   I’m hopeful that I’ll be up for keeping the blog posts coming, the photos flowing, and the mojo to make it interesting.   Just getting warmed-up!  



The year proceeds apace.  Journaling has continued off-line—pages of musings for my-eyes-only. Interior evolution is a self-powered journey of twists and turns, nurtured by patience, forgiveness and delight, in the tiniest and most epic of moments. 

Travels have continued, wandering and learning in other places that are foreign and familiar, friendly and foreboding, crowded and lonely.  Always dichotomies, this and that, here and there, then and now, now and later.  Awake.  Asleep.  Walk, pedal, ride, get to the other side, come back ‘round to the start.  Love remains, even in the ashes.  
Find a crevice to speak into; give your heart, share your secrets.  Let them fall away into brief, attenuated whispers that float towards nothingness.  Be kind to all.  Give things away.  Give your chair to someone else.  Hold that door open.  Smile to somebody who isn’t with you right now.  Forgive yourself for your all-too-human flaws, and forgive others quickly and easily.  Don’t hold onto silly grudges.   Hold onto love and friendship, despite misunderstandings, confusion and disappointment.  
Hold someone’s hand at the next heart-felt opportunity.  Look into another’s eyes, see them in all of their glory, and all of their folly.  Honor every part of their being.  Remember the beauty, remember the pain, integrate them into your wholeness. 
Look into my eyes.  

Spring In England


Back from a long journey to England.  Had some delays due to illness and life events, but I eventually made it to my destination.  Had to skip the usual “Spring in Amsterdam” aspect, unfortunately, but as a result, I then had a good deal of down-time during which I spent time wandering around London, hitting museums, shops, parks, and hanging out with friends.  The weather was mostly glorious!  Not too many downpours, temperate air, and enough sun to satisfy.

The spring Mandala with Jill Purce was “Yellow Tara”.  We had about 74 folks in attendance, with some old friends and many new folks.  The weather was a mix of rain, clouds and cool air with some sun here and there.  Enough sun for enjoyment, but it would have been even more fun with more warmth and sunshine.

Spent many an evening in the hot tub with my pals.  We find it the best way to end the day, and it helps to go to bed all clean and warm.  It’s also a spectacular space in which to sing and chant together!  I so love to soak—-can’t wait to have my own tub in our backyard.  

One of the most fun parts of the week, for me, anyway, was teaching the crowd a fantastic song I’d discovered last year.  It’s Bluegrass version of a Buddhist chant by Peter Rowan.  It’s called “Padmasambhava—Across the Rolling Hills”.  I’d been singing it to myself for months, and spent a bit of time practicing how I would teach it to a crowd.  We learned it early on in the week, and it was MUCH enjoyed by all.  It’s the type of song that really sticks in your heart and mind once you hear it.  Here is a live version on You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lR4KHHLzfFw

I slept pretty well most evenings, fortunately, and ate very well.  The chef, Martin, was new to our group, and became much loved by us all.  Wonderful to be npourished body and Soul by a tuned-in Chef and his staff, who were all delightful. 

Spent a few days at the end with my dear friend Rosie at her home in Wiltshire.  Her gardens, some in porcess, some well-established, were truly inspiring!  I will definitely incorporate some of her ideas and plants in our upcoming garden plans.

This trip was one of learning and growing on many levels.  I faced personal challenges daily, in and out of the Mandala.  I battled with physical pain—-my knees were very painful, and my old nemesis, plantar fascitis, kicked in big time as well.  Suffered some spasmodic back pain mid-Mandala, and was rescued by a choir of earthly Angels.  

There were still some Magnolia blossoms on our tree when I returned, the grass is green again, and spring is warming the groud as well as my aching limbs!  


New Year, New Fun


It’s been a very chilly winter here in the Northeast. We’ve had to batten down the hatches, wear lots of extra layers, and navigate proliferating icy patches on foot and on wheels.  It’s lovely and peaceful when one is settled in somewhere cozy, but can be quite nerve-wracking and difficult in many other circumstances.

It does allow for quality hibernation time, however. I’m fortunate to work on my own and very close to home, so I’m able to adapt to outside conditions easily, which so many folks simply cannot.  Time and space to stir the creative soul, and to gather the pieces, both real and metaphorical.  I’m moving from an external Studio, which I rent, to one which is being built over our garage.  The vision of the space was born in mistiness, honed over years of rumination and experience, and is now coming to fruition with the help of talented and dedicated craftspeople.  

The room will be used everyday for work, very often for gatherings of music and art-making, and as a guest space, art gallery, and escape pod.   The room will be heated soley by a gas room-heating stove, which means “off the grid”, which means warmth in power outages.  Out little pod of warmth, with views out into the woods, way up to the zone of the tree branches where much bird and squirrel activity ensues.  Delightful.

Much has been percolating underneath, as well.  Circles with kindred spirits have kindled creative flames, gently but insistently.  Opportunities to share my work and vision have happily and organically come my way.  The Open Studio (in October, 2013 at the Artist’s Mill where I work) was a truly wonderful experience, where I received so many kind and potent compliments on the work, and sold pieces to folks who truly felt a potent draw to particular pieces.  

I’ve started an ongoing collaboration with the folks at The Respite Center in Hopkinton, helping them with publications and community outreach.  Currently working on their all-important Marathon newsletter, which should help them to raise enought funds to continue assisting so many families.  

“Creative, collaborative flow” shall inspire the manner in which all will proceed.  

Organic, grounded, enlightened, inspired.


You Tube Debut

The Open Spirit Center in Framingham, MA held their “Day of Spirit” on November 5, 2013.

They had a series of workshops for mind, body and spirit, and I presented a one-hour Mandala workshop which included speaking about my own work (on display at the center that month) as well as exploring the meanings and uses of Mandala in other cultures.  We then worked with tools and templates to create our own Mandalas.

The Center is a lovely place, filled with good folk, good intentions and great inspiration.  I am hopeful that I’ll be spending more time at the Center in the future.  What a delightful place it is!  I was so pleased to receive very good feedback on the presentation, and high scores from the attendees afterwards. 

Lili Christian prepared some video about the Center and the event, whoch can be seen here: 

Open Spirit Center video, with Joan Hill

I show up about a minute in.  Thanks for checking it out!


The Open Studio wrap-up


Holliston’s Water Street Mill Open Studios event was held on October 26 & 27.  Dozens of artists have been preparing all year for the big event, which attracts thousands of people from all over Metrowest and beyond each year.  

I’d been anticipating it for months, and with great zeal, as last year I’d nly been able to be present in my Studio for one of the days, but this year, I was there to prepare and be present in a more complete manner.

My tribe arrived on Saturday!  By this I mean so many kindred spirits, some old friends, and some new souls who found their way into my room and felt a special kinship to my space and my work.  I was overjoyed by the response and the support.  Some of my most beloved pieces were scooped up, brought home, and hung on walls immediately.  When I was falling asleep that eve, I actually imagined the pieces in their new homes, radiating and resonating in their new spaces!  

Sunday had an entirely different flavor, with lots of fun folks and great feedback.  I had a bit more time to wander around the Studios, too, and to connect with many other creatives and the gorgeous art on display.  Listened to the delightful Erica Leigh performing throughout the day, and joined in with her “Imagine” sing along.

I am so grateful for all the opportunities, support and inspiration that have come my way.  I’ve worked hard, I’ve worked soft.  I have opened my heart and soul to the Muse, and there is only one way from here—-forward!  I am excited, and happy.  These gifts are not taken for granted, indeed, they are celebrated and appreciated beyond expression.