Spring In England

Back from a long journey to England. Had some delays due to illness and life events, but I eventually made it to my destination. Had to skip the usual “Spring in Amsterdam” aspect, unfortunately, but as a result, I then had a good deal of down-time during which I spent time wandering around London, hitting museums, shops, parks, and hanging out with friends. The weather was mostly glorious! Not too many downpours, temperate air, and enough sun to satisfy.
The spring Mandala with Jill Purce was “Yellow Tara”. We had about 74 folks in attendance, with some old friends and many new folks. The weather was a mix of rain, clouds and cool air with some sun here and there. Enough sun for enjoyment, but it would have been even more fun with more warmth and sunshine.
Spent many an evening in the hot tub with my pals. We find it the best way to end the day, and it helps to go to bed all clean and warm. It’s also a spectacular space in which to sing and chant together! I so love to soak—-can’t wait to have my own tub in our backyard.
One of the most fun parts of the week, for me, anyway, was teaching the crowd a fantastic song I’d discovered last year. It’s Bluegrass version of a Buddhist chant by Peter Rowan. It’s called “Padmasambhava—Across the Rolling Hills”. I’d been singing it to myself for months, and spent a bit of time practicing how I would teach it to a crowd. We learned it early on in the week, and it was MUCH enjoyed by all. It’s the type of song that really sticks in your heart and mind once you hear it. Here is a live version on You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lR4KHHLzfFw
I slept pretty well most evenings, fortunately, and ate very well. The chef, Martin, was new to our group, and became much loved by us all. Wonderful to be npourished body and Soul by a tuned-in Chef and his staff, who were all delightful.
Spent a few days at the end with my dear friend Rosie at her home in Wiltshire. Her gardens, some in porcess, some well-established, were truly inspiring! I will definitely incorporate some of her ideas and plants in our upcoming garden plans.
This trip was one of learning and growing on many levels. I faced personal challenges daily, in and out of the Mandala. I battled with physical pain—-my knees were very painful, and my old nemesis, plantar fascitis, kicked in big time as well. Suffered some spasmodic back pain mid-Mandala, and was rescued by a choir of earthly Angels.
There were still some Magnolia blossoms on our tree when I returned, the grass is green again, and spring is warming the groud as well as my aching limbs!