
I’m so looking forward to enjoying increasing daylight as our part of the planet tilts a wee bit closer to the sun, and does more so with each passing day. How reassuring it is that spring returns each year. I used to muse about it when I was a kid. I recall asking myself what it would be like if Spring just never arrived one year, or every year, forever. It terrified me. Please, Spring, please keep returning to us, and revivifying us with your warmth and strength.
Soon I’ll be journeying to a higher line of latitude, and the sun will stay in the sky proportionally longer than it ever does here. In June, London is still a bit bright until 11 p.m. or so. In late April and into May, the light can sometimes still be seen past 10 p.m. It makes night owls such as myself very happy indeed. I can sleep in, and step out late in the morning, and still have 11 or 12 hours of light in which to navigate and enjoy.
Early spring at the corner of Amstel & Muntplein, Amsterdam
This spring I will be visiting Amsterdam with my 22 year old daughter; we can’t wait for opportunities to explore during our long days and temperate (we hope!) eves. Perhap chilly/wet/blustery, or warm and wonderful. One is of course prepared for all eventualities when one travels - I enjoy the city, no matter the weather. There are plenty of places to duck into. Museums and history and art and street markets, parks and entertainment abound. The only thing I don’t care for is the security at Schipol airport, which I find scary. One can get all the way into the main concourse and right up to the gates before each gate does its own security check. I prefer everyone getting checked *outside* the gate area, before we enter. Hoping that all is happy, smooth, flowing, going, safe, sound. Of course it will be! It’s all a well-trodden path for me by now.
It’s been busy at the Studio, in the meantime….
I’ve been collecting various bits to begin a wonderful undertaking whcih I am very excited about. I’ll be working on making drum beaters, rattles, talismans, amulets, talking sticks, pouches, ceremonial fans and smudge fans. Working with hide, faux sinew, lace, beads, stones, bees wax, sticks, antlers, shells, and more. When inventory is up, I shall be selling in various web spots, and hopefully, in a few select galleries and shops in the area. The plan is in place! Space, raw materials, a vision, and encouragment from the Universe. happy, happy!
One of my favorite pieces “Spiral in Wales”, was accepted into a juried show at Grace Chapel in Lexington. The theme was “Tranquility”, and I am pleased that the jury agreed that this illustrates the theme nicely. My friend Peter Anderson and I created it together in pembrokeshire, Wales, at a town not far from St David’s. I shall look at the map and endeavor to name the lovely beach. I’d like to see much more of Wales. It’s a beautiful land, full of variety and interesting folk.
I’m planning future van trips to New England beaches and also beyond, to points far west. There will be adventures awaiting, and I plan to drive, ride and walk right up to them and look in them in the eye, shake their metaphorical, or literal, hands and say “howdy.”