Autumn Journeys/Winter Wonders

My world is not highly regulated. I work as an independent creative. I have the time and ability to travel, and there are some trips that I make regularly each year. Every spring and every fall I head over to the UK to assist in the organizing of, and to attend, extended Buddhist retreats. Last fall, I was still in the midst or organizing my studio, and all of the Artists in my facility were participating in a weekend long “Open Studio” event. I cut back my road trip by several days, flew in very late Saturday night, and awoke, red-eyed, to be in my Studio for the final day. My family had “manned” the operation for me on Day One, and even sold some work in my absence. I arrived Sunday morn with my game face on, and had a blast connecting with the visitors, and we made a couple more sales. Very exciting stuff! I had great feedback from the crowds. So pleased by it all.
I’ve jumped back into my local community, which I had all but fled after my child graduated and went off to college. No more President of this group, or organizer of that group, nor more driving kid(s) around. I traveled more, I made friends in the city, I fled the small-town scene with a vengeance. Now, however, I am pleased to be reconnecting and building a whole new circle of connection and activity. it feels good, and right.
The winter is now heading towards its finish, and I’ve had many productive days at the Studio. I’ve been perfecting my work spaces, getting fresh inspiration, and making some wonderful new work connections. There is a lot of possibility in the air, and momentum is building. Raw materials are spread out, and morphing into a variety fascinating objects. New photos are on the walls. New tableaus and mixed-media bits and bobs are proliferating. Web work with photography, photo gigs and varied fun requests are coming my way. I’m handing out a lot of business cards—I talk to folks a lot about the Studios, the burgeoning art scene and community events for all. I’m back “on the ground”, Babe!
However—-the road is always beckoning. I’d hoped to do some van travel this spring, but it’s looking as if I will not be going very far until later in the year. Heading out to a weekend of drumming and fun in Western MA soon, and will take the van (if it doesn’t snow—I’m heading into the hills). We hope to be taking the van to the beach a lot this summer and will be reserving some spaces soon. Later in the year, TBA, I just may be able to pull off another biggie. Now it’s a matter of drive out/drive back, unlike last year, whcih was fly out, drive back. I long to do a big west coast trip, but that’s 6K miles to and fro, not sure if I will have the time or energy for that much. May have someone meet me mid-way and drive back with me. Someone? Are you there? :-)
In the meantime, here I am, snug as a bug on an Oriental rug.