
Six days until I fly out to meet my friends, my new van, and my short-term destiny. It's "hotting up" now. Boxes are being packed with things that I will want and need in my vehicle and must send ahead. Luggage has been selected and the sorting of required elements has commenced. Photography gear is selected and batteries are being charged, the memory cards formated. Trying to finish up all the work, tasks, correspondences that need attention before I hit the road, and keeping a calm demeanor; there is no need to rush, or fret.
The route is morphing; I'm choosing a more southerly passage than I originally envisioned. I'll be in many States that I have not yet visited, perhaps the climate will be a bit more temperate, and spring is just around the corner, in theory. This new itinerary will allow me to visit some spots that I was not expecting to see, this time around, or maybe ever.
Colorado-Kansas-Oklahoma-Arkansas-Tennessee-Kentucky-West Virginia-Ohio-Pennsylvania-New Jersey-New York-Connecticut-Massachusetts. Five of these States I have never visited before. I expect, now that I own a van, that I'll be ticking ever more of those of my list over the next span of years; I hope so. And perhaps the most fun little possibility of this route change is visiting Graceland.
"For reasons I cannot explain, there's some part of me that wants to see Graceland; I've reason to believe, we all will be received in Graceland."
Willie Nelson & Paul Simon performing Graceland, Live!
Had a nice, quick, local walk in the woods with my husband Rick today; I will miss this while I am on the road, we've done a lot of it this winter. Almost 50 degrees this afternoon! Green plants are popping up in the woods, the soil is not frozen in the least. It's almost the "winter that wasn't". A few inches of snow, a few days in the teens, but it's been the most spring-like winter I recall in my entire 50+ years. I am hoping that the trend remains and that I will be driving through easy conditions.
In any case, this is the pregnant pause. It's all lined up, it's going to happen, the dominoes are in motion, but for now it's a bit like a dreamy slow-motion dance. Soon enough I'll be taking a big inhale and stepping out, way out. The Boston skyline will fade away and before you know it, I'll be near the Rockies, and looking eastward.
This will be the view on my way out, but the view on the trip back will be very different; I'll be behind the wheel, pulling into my own little home......