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You Tube Debut

The Open Spirit Center in Framingham, MA held their “Day of Spirit” on November 5, 2013.

They had a series of workshops for mind, body and spirit, and I presented a one-hour Mandala workshop which included speaking about my own work (on display at the center that month) as well as exploring the meanings and uses of Mandala in other cultures.  We then worked with tools and templates to create our own Mandalas.

The Center is a lovely place, filled with good folk, good intentions and great inspiration.  I am hopeful that I’ll be spending more time at the Center in the future.  What a delightful place it is!  I was so pleased to receive very good feedback on the presentation, and high scores from the attendees afterwards. 

Lili Christian prepared some video about the Center and the event, whoch can be seen here: 

Open Spirit Center video, with Joan Hill

I show up about a minute in.  Thanks for checking it out!

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