Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 10:45PM
Joan Hill
The year proceeds apace.  Journaling has continued off-line—pages of musings for my-eyes-only. Interior evolution is a self-powered journey of twists and turns, nurtured by patience, forgiveness and delight, in the tiniest and most epic of moments. 

Travels have continued, wandering and learning in other places that are foreign and familiar, friendly and foreboding, crowded and lonely.  Always dichotomies, this and that, here and there, then and now, now and later.  Awake.  Asleep.  Walk, pedal, ride, get to the other side, come back ‘round to the start.  Love remains, even in the ashes.  
Find a crevice to speak into; give your heart, share your secrets.  Let them fall away into brief, attenuated whispers that float towards nothingness.  Be kind to all.  Give things away.  Give your chair to someone else.  Hold that door open.  Smile to somebody who isn’t with you right now.  Forgive yourself for your all-too-human flaws, and forgive others quickly and easily.  Don’t hold onto silly grudges.   Hold onto love and friendship, despite misunderstandings, confusion and disappointment.  
Hold someone’s hand at the next heart-felt opportunity.  Look into another’s eyes, see them in all of their glory, and all of their folly.  Honor every part of their being.  Remember the beauty, remember the pain, integrate them into your wholeness. 
Look into my eyes.  
Article originally appeared on Eclipse Photographics (http://www.mandala-world.com/).
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