It’s been a very chilly winter here in the Northeast. We’ve had to batten down the hatches, wear lots of extra layers, and navigate proliferating icy patches on foot and on wheels. It’s lovely and peaceful when one is settled in somewhere cozy, but can be quite nerve-wracking and difficult in many other circumstances.
It does allow for quality hibernation time, however. I’m fortunate to work on my own and very close to home, so I’m able to adapt to outside conditions easily, which so many folks simply cannot. Time and space to stir the creative soul, and to gather the pieces, both real and metaphorical. I’m moving from an external Studio, which I rent, to one which is being built over our garage. The vision of the space was born in mistiness, honed over years of rumination and experience, and is now coming to fruition with the help of talented and dedicated craftspeople.
The room will be used everyday for work, very often for gatherings of music and art-making, and as a guest space, art gallery, and escape pod. The room will be heated soley by a gas room-heating stove, which means “off the grid”, which means warmth in power outages. Out little pod of warmth, with views out into the woods, way up to the zone of the tree branches where much bird and squirrel activity ensues. Delightful.
Much has been percolating underneath, as well. Circles with kindred spirits have kindled creative flames, gently but insistently. Opportunities to share my work and vision have happily and organically come my way. The Open Studio (in October, 2013 at the Artist’s Mill where I work) was a truly wonderful experience, where I received so many kind and potent compliments on the work, and sold pieces to folks who truly felt a potent draw to particular pieces.
I’ve started an ongoing collaboration with the folks at The Respite Center in Hopkinton, helping them with publications and community outreach. Currently working on their all-important Marathon newsletter, which should help them to raise enought funds to continue assisting so many families.
“Creative, collaborative flow” shall inspire the manner in which all will proceed.
Organic, grounded, enlightened, inspired.