The day after I wrote my last entry here I became very ill with a flu. My pal Charles was likewise struck down. There I was in a bare bones, although perfectly cozy, cabin, with limited resources (what I brought in one smallish suitcase, enough for about 3 days). No meds for such an event, no comforts from home, no one to help, other than Charles, who was as sick as I. He managed to go out and grab us some ginger ale, but that's about the poor fellow could manage on both our behalves. Had several miserable, sleepless, muscle aching, head pounding, puking into the toilet nights. I did rally enough on day four to actually pack up my stuff and drive the van to Denver. I had to--that vehicle needed to get into the garage so that work could begin. The trip cannot commence until the van is road-worthy.
Once settled in, it became clear that my ordeal was not yet over, and I've spent several nights here, too, in a hot, sleepless, miserable state. Fever, chills, no appetite, and the most painful body aches. Tummy still very touchy, so I've hardly eaten on top of all else. Low low low energy.
Thankfully, I am now in a real, comfortable home with my long time dear friend Kathy, who has been treating me as if I were her own family member, watching out for me, suggesting things that will help, keeping around simple food that I can stomach, and being a beacon of light and love in the midst of my pain. I am SO thankful to be here with her, and to be on the receiving end of such selfless, compassionate care.
I am feeling slightly, incrementally better, and hope that in 48 hours this will be just about over. I haven't had a flu in years,and years, and now I remember how much it sux! The fallout from this setback is primarily that I'm going to be getting a much later start on the road trip than I had planned. I do have the time and space to be fluid on timing, but I had hoped to be back by the Equinox in order to attend a sewing/art workshop. It's still possible that I'll make it, but we will simply have to see.
The van is having extensive work done on it now, from fore to aft. It's a '92 Dodge RAM Van conversion RV. 21 feet long, 9 feet high. All original parts. Well kitted-out inside. There has already been work on it; new carpets, new monitors/gauges for the tanks and fuel lines, new sink, new toilet and a couple of other things. After all the engine and guts work is finished in a few days, we're upgrading the stereo system and adding a security system as well. This thing is going to be a road warrior!
Was hoping to hit the hot springs as my first stop when I leave here, but I've been informed that it's school vacation here during the first two weeks of March, and since I don't have a firm departure date, I can't book it yet. It may still work out; I remain hopeful.
The only attitude I can take with all of this is "que sera, sera"; what will be will be. I'll start off when I can, I'll go where I can, hot springs or not, and begin my adventures as planned. I knew before I started that the one thing I could not do was to predict anything as a "for sure" situation. Fluidity and inventiveness are the cornerstones of this journey; and set-backs and surprises are to be expected.