I finally got out of Denver early afternoon Tuesday--yesterday? It seems week ago, already.
The van was still being tweaked just a couple of hours before I skipped town. I decided to forgo a couple of minor fixes that could wait, and called "good enough" on all the rest. There are still a couple of troubling aspects; I am not thrilled with what happens when I fill the tank with gas; I see dribbles. But, hopefully it's just a few minor dribbles and nothing more dangerous. It's costing a fortune in gasoline--I figure it's going to be about $75/day. At 15 mpg, and despite having an approximately 40 gallon tank, you can imagine how many gas station trips I'll be making. I am not one to let my tank get below 1/4 full, and both yesterday and today, I re-filled when it was just under half; I'd rather have the gas full when the day begins than search for convenience and cost while on major highways.
I left Denver at about noon, and headed to Goodland, Kansas, which is just over the State border. It was about a four hour, sunny, relatively easy drive, although very windy. Settled into the Goodland KOA easily, went to bed early, and slept soundly. Awoke this morn, made my coffee, hit the (semi-hot) shower, and then the road. Today I was more ambitious and drove over 6 hours. Unfortunately, it rained much of time, and was even more windy. Stopped for a quick breakfast to go and pretty much drove non-stop, except to stop for gasoline. Kansas is boring...boring....boring. What you see in the photo is mostly what I drove through---all day. There were also a few small town centers en route, because I chose a path that placed me on some secondary highways. I had enough of super highway with NO curves or variety.
I saw swooping hawks, a pair of fast ducks, many fields full of cows and horses, and one field with a few buffalo. I saw dozens and dozens of silos--they all look alike--am I going in circles? There was big and impressive variety and beauty in the cloud formations and sky colors as I wound my way southeast.. Made one stop to pick up a few sundries in a drugstore, and was enchanted by the sweet older woman who rang up my sale; she had a soft, warm accent that I'd never heard before, very endearing.
The last hour was tough; I was getting weary, and was on a hard-packed dirt road when I was getting close to my goal---mud, stones and water flying in all directions. Awful. I had to wipe down windows and doors with industrial towels and rain-X once I arrived.
I was greeted sweetly, assigned a nice enough spot, and got my wifi codes. I also called a Pizza place and got pizza and a salad delivered right to my van. Hot, tasty and very satisfying. I had cold meals yesterday, which made me feel a bit sad inside. I plan on eating a lot more, as I have lost weight through illness and stress, and need to strengthen and fill out this bony frame more. BBQ, here I come!
Tomorrow I head into Oklahoma. I haven't yet decided where to hunker down for the night once there; I need to search in earnest tonight and book a place, as it's nice to know it's all set and waiting, and to be greeted by name. I figure that Oklahoma will look a lot like eastern Colorado and all of Kansas; flat, brown, and full of big American cars and trucks. Never saw so many BIG Fords and Chevys in my life. At one point, I saw a Honda and was very surprised by it. Not a Prius to be found in all of Kansas, perhaps? :-) I sure didn't see any......
I will land somewhere very near the land of my maternal Grandmother tomorrow--El Reno. I will be visiting her grave there, and also spend some time in Kingfisher, where she grew up, and all of her family are buried. I had considered looking up living relatives while there, but I am so behind schedule that I will not be doing that, at least for now. Will likely spend 2 nights there, so that I have time to really poke around, visit the Historical Society, and take a good amount of photos. I've been in such a rush to move, and have moved through nothing but fields so far--not much to photograph.
Not very exciting, yet. Maybe it won't be "exciting". I don't know what to expect, other than that every day will be different, and I will be moving ever closer to home in the process. I am at 1800 ft elevation now, and glad to be getting lower.
After Oklahoma, Arkansas! Greener there, perhaps? I look forward to seeing some actual spring!