Saturday, February 4, 2012 at 3:09PM
Joan Hill


Though I haven't yet booked a flight to Denver, plans are proceeding apace.   The van is being upgraded, way out there in CO. Friends at that end are being most helpful!  Charles in Fort Collins, and Kathy in Denver have been so accomodating and encouraging, which has helped my confidence and urges me onward with great excitement. I've always said how wonderful it is to me to have loving support while I travel, and in this case, my wishes have come true many times over.

I've ordered stacks of maps from AAA, have upgraded all my communication devices, created trip-tychs of my journey, and I just joined KOA and now have a membership card!  Looks like I'll be stopping at as many as 8 or 9 KOAs along my path (maybe more?), and possibly a few other smaller sites along the way.   I've got a lot to learn still, about how to hook up the camper to all the facilities, what the protocol at these sites is like, and hey---are those shower stalls clean and how are the laundry facilities?  Folks tell me that KOAs are pretty darn nice, and this time of year, relatively quiet.

Although every day will be different, and everyday I'll see new vistas, people and places, there are some things that will be the same no matter where I go.   The sun will rise in the East and set in the West.  The moon will show its very same face to me, every evening.  The clouds will dance, the birds will sing.   The tall grasses will sway in the breeze, and I'll be seeing the very same stars.  

I will sing, I will dance.  I will cry tears of frustration, and tears of joy.  I'll be energized; I'll be exhausted.  I'll be brave; I'll be scared.  I'll be lonely; I'll need space.  I'll make some dreams come true; some hopes will be dashed.  I will take lots of photos, I'll put down the camera and just BE.  I'll want to drive and drive and drive; I'll want to get out of that van and be free.  I'll be in my head; I'll be in my body.  I'll kiss the soil that my ancestors lived upon; I'll cry at their graves.

Many weeks after visiting ancestral home land, I'll be in my own home again.  Home is where my life is Now.  And how will I feel then? I cannot imagine.  It will be a mix of emotions, certainly, and I will be a bit worn out, no doubt. But I will have made a lifelong dream, and perhaps even several dreams of mine, come true.


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