"I've lost my Photo-Mojo and I don't know where to find it."
It's been over a year since I've posted; my life has taken some challenging twists and turns in that time. I spent a lot of time howling with the coyotes and sighing with the moon; I slept rarely and hardly ate. I lost one third of my body weight and stopped cropping my hair short every 6 weeks, letting it grow and flow at will. My sisters and I placed our 87-year old mother in a dementia care facility, my daughter spent four months in Africa, and my husband paddled his canoe in the very murky waters of a large corporation that tossed him about crazily until he re-found his career footing.
I also spent a lot of time on the road, traveling to change my scene and to be with far-flung soul mates and friends in an effort to re-balance, find my center, and get happy. Some friends have faded away, some were wrested away, and some new friends have magically appeared in my life from nowhere, seeming to know that here is a soul who has temporarily lost her tribe.....
And now---a plan. I've hatched a plan. My dear family is supporting me, the Universe has heard my call and doors are magically opening. Husband has landed beautifully on his feet. Daughter has returned home happily; she is older, wiser and even more beautiful inside and out. I have the time and inclination, and so, off I go.
Camper van. 2,500 solo miles, eastward from Colorado to New England. Visits with friends, visits to ancestral homelands, visits to family, known and unknown. Cameras, diaries, video. Blog. Skype. Dark skies with bright moon, wide vistas.
The camera will be my best on-the-road friend; we will explore and play together. We don't know what will find, who will meet us on the path, or how it will end. The unknown and yet-to-be experienced are calling to us.
I have no choice, other to answer, and heed the call, and the camera, well--it's in the bag.